Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alice Springs

September 6-8, 2012 – Alice Springs, Northern Territory:

Friday Morning and we are up early to catch our shuttle to the Brisbane Airport, off to Alice Springs, via Darwin. All went well, a bit of a long day, but connections worked well, we got dropped off with all of our “STUFF” at the Aurora Hotel just in time for dinner. We enjoyed a nice “bush tucker” style dinner, prawns with wild seeds and a seasoning for appetizers (entrée in OZ) and the main dish was wild barramundi fish with wild bush rice and seasonings? YUM!

Saturday Morning we took off to pick up our MoHo, we had a nice little walking tour of the down town area, and eventually found the Apollo Shop and got checked out. Mike is a great Aussie driver, he just hopped right in, shifting the standard transmission, driving on the left side of the road, and taking all of the traffic circles and one-way streets in his stride. Spent the afternoon, getting 2 new tires for the rig (they looked a bit “tread- bare” to go all the way to Sydney), went shopping for provisions to stock the fridge, cupboard, etc. Spent the night at the local Big 4 Campground. Got all of our stuff stowed in the very small cupboards and shelves (boy are we spoiled with our Safari motor home!)

Sunday Morning we got up to do some more exploring around Alice Springs, only to have the little MoHo act up! Off to the dealer we went, after about 3 hours we had been given another one, we packed up # 1 and moved into # 2 and were off to explore the town by early afternoon. We drove up ANZAC Hill, visited the Royal Flying Doctor Services Center (what an interesting service, free medical service and transport to Australians living in the rural parts of their country), We shopped on the Todd Mall, seeing some very beautiful and interesting indigenous art. Back at camp we went to an excellent didgeridoo demonstration and by a local Australian named Marshall Whyley. He is not an Aboriginal, but plays an amazing didgeridoo. Mike is ready to try playing his when we get back home

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